If you can’t see the dates you’re looking for, please give us a call on (+44) 0191 371 0251

Booking direct will guarantee you the best rates for your apartment stay in Durham!!

Access Statement


Plawsworth Hall aims to ensure all of our guests have the most comfortable stay possible. Please take a few moments to review the access statement below to ensure that we can meet your needs. I would advise anyone that wishes to book to speak with myself so that we can suggest a property that best meets your criteria.


Please ensure that the management are clear as to what your requirements are. We allocate properties well before arrival and we need to be aware of any specific needs in order to provide you with the most suitable property.

Arrival & Car Parking Facilities

Many car parking areas are available on a first come first serves basis. A dedicated parking space can be made available for anyone requiring to be nearer to a specific property. All of our parking areas are Tarmac/ Blocked paving.

Full street lighting is provided.

The contact details are clearly displayed next to our onsite office

1-4 have a dedicated parking on an incline however other level parking options are available

There are 3 steps to the courtyard from the main car park. however a dropdown kerb is available via a short detour. Properties 1-26 all have a step of 10 – 20 cm at their entrance. Numbers 5,6,11,12,15,22, 27,28 have 15 – 17 have 15 outdoor stairs to the door. Numbers 18,19 have 16, 15cm internal stairs to the properties entrance.

Main Entrance, Reception & Ticketing Area

Office is on site in the Farmhouse with 1 small step at the covered entrance.

Public Areas – Hall, Stairs, Landing, Corridors etc

• The limited amount of public areas/corridors are well lit and free from obstruction.

Public Areas – Sitting room, lounges, lobbies etc

• N/A

Bedrooms & Sleeping Areas

• Sleeping areas are upstairs in numbers 1,2,3,4,8,13,14,
• In 27 and 28, 2 bedrooms are upstairs.
• In all other properties all bedrooms are at the same level as the living area.
• At least 1 double bed in each property with lots of space either side for easy access.

Bathroom, Shower-room & WC [Ensuite or Shared]

• Numbers 1- 26 have showers located over the baths.
• Standard height wash basins and w/c
• Numbers 22, 27 and 28 have walk in shower cubicles

Self-Catering Kitchen

• Units and sink with worktop at standard height. Not designed for wheelchair use.

Additional Information

• In the event of an emergency dial 999 for Police, Fire & Ambulance
• NHS direct 08454647

Address: H Johnson
Plawsworth Hall Farm,
co.Durham,DH2 3LD

Telephone: Office 0191 3710251
Mobile 07729396839
Evening 01913711529

Fax: 01913712101

Email: plawsworth@aol.com

Website: www.plawsworth.com

Hours of operation: 8am – 5pm Monday to Saturday

Local accessible taxi numbers: Macs 0191 384 1329

Future Plans

• Facilities are constantly being improved with an ever increasing emphasis on accessibility and safety.

Contact Telephone and Email Address

We welcome your feedback to help us continually improve if you have any comments please phone 01913710251 or email plawsworth@aol.com

Contact us today

For the best availability and prices for your desired stay, contact us today on (+44) 0191 371 0251 or email plawsworth@aol.com to speak to a member of our team.

Alternatively, you can check some availability and book your stay by clicking the button below!