If you can’t see the dates you’re looking for, please give us a call on (+44) 0191 371 0251

Booking direct will guarantee you the best rates for your apartment stay in Durham!!

Frequently Asked Questions

We don’t display all cottages and apartments online. We have to keep some apartments available for longer stays. Certain peak times will have a minimum night restriction or be blocked off online entirely. 

We will upgrade other guests from smaller units to make longer stays work.

If you don’t see the dates that you require please get in touch directly.

We always reward guests for booking directly. Our website is set up to always be cheaper than the rates we give to other sites. Longer stay rates are also available via phone or email.

We provide teabags, coffee and milk sachets on arrival.  Guests are required to provide any additional items.  We have learned through experience that the Welcome Pack is a minefield given dietary requirements, allergies etc.  There is also a lot of food waste associated with the products.

We have therefore taken the decision not to provide this service.  The associated cost savings are being passed on to our guests via the nightly rate. 

We have lots of supermarkets / convenience stores within a couple of miles.

A bus stop is located 350 yards away on the A167.  Busses to Durham arrive approximately every 15 minutes.

Busses to Newcastle and Chester-le-Street arrive every 11 minutes on the opposite side of the A167 outside the Red Lion Pub.

Durham Railway Station is 3 miles away and Chester-le-Street 2 miles.

Several Taxi firms operate in the area.  Details and numbers are located in the information pack which is provided in your accommodation.

We pride ourselves on our extensive outdoor space which guests are free to enjoy.  Should children wish to play ball games a grassed paddock area is provided in front of the Farmhouse.  

We ask guests to only play ball games in this area away from the proximity of accommodation and guest parking.

Picnic benches are situated around the site for our guests to enjoy.

We have a few apartments that are dog friendly, however this is limited so please contact us for availability before booking.

Unlike a hotel, It is very difficult to sell apartments on short notice. Whilst we will always try and be as flexible as possible to guest requirements, we only accept non refundable bookings. If you are unsure of your requirements or dates please chat this through with us to find the best solution. What we can’t do is turn down other bookings on the indication that a guest might possibly like to stay.

Some apartments are accessible. Please discuss any requirements prior to booking.

All cottages and apartments are allocated upon arrival. If we can meet a guest’s specific requests then we will. However with many guests extending stays, and late new bookings we ultimately have to match arrivals to departures. Guests may be automatically upgraded from smaller units to allow longer stays to take place.

We have lots of parking onsite that can take vehicles of all sizes.

Our website rates are inclusive of all utilities, rates, tv, wifi, local taxes and VAT.

Travel cots, Highchairs, safety gates are available on request. Guests are asked to provide the bedding. 

Click here for details

Contact us today

For the best availability and prices for your desired stay, contact us today on (+44) 0191 371 0251 or email plawsworth@aol.com to speak to a member of our team.

Alternatively, you can check some availability and book your stay by clicking the button below!